Chelated Micronutrient Mix is a water soluble micronutrient mix which can be used assupplement where deficiencies exist for crops grown in artificial and soilless media
Use 3 g of Chelated Micronutrient Mix per 100L unless the product is being used to correct a deficiency (see below). This rate will give the following micro-nutrient concentration in solution:
Iron (Fe)..........................................................................................1.8 ppm Manganese (Mn)..........................................................................0.93 ppm Zinc (Zn).........................................................................................0.6 ppm Boron (B)......................................................................................0.21 ppm Copper (Cu)..................................................................................0.15 ppm Molybdenum (Mo).......................................................................0.15 ppm Amino Acid (AA)...........................................................................1.05 ppm
For injector systems: this concentration can be maintained by using 6 g / L of concentrate for a 1:200 injector ratio or 3 g / L of concentrate for a 1:100 injector ratio. For use on Agricultural and Soil Grown Greenhouse Crops as a Supplement: Apply through irrigation system when soil tests show low levels of micronutrients.
For use on Greenhouse Crops Grown on Artificial or Soilless Media: Use in the nutrient solution in conjunction with sources of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.
Foliar Sprays: Apply 35 g / 100 L of water, covering leaf surface lightly. Make one or two applications as necessary. Soil Applications: Always apply micronutrients to moist soil. Use 120 g / 100 m2 in 450 L of water. For all Crops: One or two additional applications can be made if foliar and / or soil analysis test results indicate a deficiency of micronutrients.
This fertilizer contains manganese, zinc, copper, boron and molybdenum and should be used only as recommended. It may prove harmful when misused.